Sep 21, 2009

English language education

Aardvark's English Forum and EFL Resources
Selection of links and resources for students and teachers of English as a foreign language. Includes interactive English exercises, student and teacher message boards, and a selection of dictionary interfaces.
Subjects: english language education
DeweyClass: 428
Resource type: documents, index
English language resource with information on the introduction and evolution of words throughout the 20th century, a guide to better writing, a selection of word games, and a discussion on 'global english'. A word of the day, quotation of the week, and prize quizzes and crosswords also feature.
Author: Oxford University Press
Subjects: english language education, english language research
DeweyClass: 420
Resource type: documents, guide
Bartleby Reference
Searchable versions of the Columbia Encyclopaedia, the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, and Roget's II: The New Thesaurus, brought together by this general reference resource. Also offers reference publications dealing with English usage, quotations, religion and mythology, literary history and literature, anatomy, cooking, etiquette, and parliamentary procedure and government.
Author: Bartleby
Subjects: english language education, reference
DeweyClass: 030
Resource type: non-fiction ebooks
Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation
Reference publication presenting a series of rules to be followed when using various punctuation marks. Also explains when and how to use subjects and verbs, pronouns, adjectives and adverbs, and outlines specific usage problems such as effect vs. affect.
Author: Straus, Jane
Subjects: english language education, writing skills
DeweyClass: 415
Resource type: guide
Business English
Free business English exercises arranged by topics such as marketing, accounting, information technology, medical, banking, job hunting. Includes a listening comprehension section.
Author: McAlister, Robert and Kosiorek, M.
Subjects: english language education
DeweyClass: 428
Resource type: documents
Daily Grammar
Service offering grammar lessons which are emailed to subscribers five days of the week with a test on the sixth. An archive of previous issues is available, along with a glossary of grammatical terms.
Author: Word Place
Subjects: english language education, linguistics
DeweyClass: 415
Resource type: guide
A collection of the most valuable online resources for teaching English, history, art history, and foreign languages. It aims to bring together the best of the humanities on the web.
Author: National Endowment for the Humanities
Subjects: english language education, history education, history of art, humanities links, language learning, medical education, medical practice
DeweyClass: 001.3
Resource type: directory, index
Electric Eclectic
Collection of links for writers, and those interested in words and language. Material can be browsed via an alphabetical list, or by category within the 'collected references' section.
Author: Eccleston, Jim
Subjects: english language education, writing links
DeweyClass: 808.02
Resource type: index
Elements of Style
Full text of William Strunk's 1918 reference work. Sets out the elementary rules of English usage and principles of composition. Also looks at words and expressions which are commonly misused.
Author: Strunk Jr., William
Subjects: english language education, writing skills
DeweyClass: 420
Resource type: non-fiction ebook
English Subject Centre
Part of the Higher Education Academy and supports the teaching of English literature, language and creative writing in UK Higher Education. This website offers a range of activities, information and ideas to help lecturers enhance the student experience. Includes latest news, useful links and information on forthcoming events.
Author: Higher Education Academy
Subjects: english language education, english language research, english literature - general
DeweyClass: 420
Resource type: documents
A collection of free worksheets and handouts, downloadable as PDFs, for use in the classroom or for individual study, covering different aspects of English grammar and vocabulary.
Author: McAlister, Robert and Kosiorek, M.
Subjects: english as a second language, english language education
DeweyClass: 420
Resource type: documents
Subscription based educational resource for English students keen to maintain or improve their level of comprehension. Weekly interviews are available in text and audio format to enhance understanding, together with lingual exercises, a glossary of terms, and lesson plans for teachers. An archive of material is provided in a range of accents, and subscription is required.
Author: eviews
Subjects: english as a second language, english language education
DeweyClass: 428.24
Resource type: documents, sound collection
A series of sound files illustrating the pronunciation of seven varieties of English - American, British, Australian, Canadian, Irish, Scottish, and Welsh. Also covers other languages, including French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese. A collection of translation dictionaries are also provided.
Author: Bowyer, Timothy
Subjects: english language education, french language, german language, japanese, language learning, portuguese, spanish
DeweyClass: 400
Resource type: sounds
Glossary of Grammatical Terms
Glossary containing grammatical terms and explanation of their use and context.
Author: Brown University
Subjects: english language dictionaries, english language education, linguistics
DeweyClass: 415
Resource type: dictionary
Guide to Grammar and Writing
Guidelines on the effective use of English grammar. Includes definitions of sentence parts, comma usage and other punctuation marks, plurals and possessives, spelling, nouns and modifiers, and spelling and abbreviations. Also provides a hyperlinked index of topics, interactive quizzes, and PowerPoint presentations.
Author: Darling, Charles, Capital Community-Technical College
Subjects: english language education, literacy, writing skills
DeweyClass: 425
Resource type: guide
A guide to words which have the same spelling but different meanings and pronunciations. An example of a heteronym is 'close' which can mean to be near to something or someone, or to shut a door.
Author: Pickles, Stephen
Subjects: english language education
DeweyClass: 420
Resource type: document
Internet Grammar of English
Includes articles on word class usage, phrases, clauses, sentences, form, function, and exercises on grammatical components such as adjectives, prepositions, and conjunctions. Also features a glossary, index, and search facility. Available free of charge to users from UK educational institutions.
Author: University College London
Subjects: english language education, english language research
DeweyClass: 425
Resource type: guide
Learn English Feel Good
An English as a second language portal with free English grammar and vocabulary exercises, printable worksheets, video-based exercises, lists of American idioms and phrasal verbs, and more. Video clips are used for illustrative purposes and separate exercise sections are offered for Spanish-speaking, Russian-speaking, French-speaking, and Polish-speaking students.
Author: McAlister, Robert and Kosiorek, M.
Subjects: english as a second language, english language education
DeweyClass: 420
Resource type: documents
Mingoville: Learn English Online the Fun and Enjoyable Way
Primarily aimed at children, teaches English online. Based around a universe inhabited by flamingos who can speak only English Mingoville is a wholly online programme available in 32 languages. Contains exercises in reading, spelling, writing and grammar, using games, songs, quizzes and downloads for mobile phones. Resources are free, but registration is required.
Subjects: educational software, english as a second language, english language education
DeweyClass: 371.3
Resource type: game
Nuts and Bolts of College Writing
A guide aiming to enhance the students' skill of essay and report writing. Covers issues including writing style, structure, the use of evidence, and paper mechanics. Students and educators can access sections, such as those dealing with the use of the historical present, finding a voice, rhetoric, the use of quotations, plagiarism, nominalisations and common errors. Numerous examples are deployed throughout to illustrate the rights and wrongs of proficient academic discourse.
Author: Harvey, Michael, Washington College, Maryland
Subjects: english language education, writing links, writing skills
DeweyClass: 372.623
Resource type: guide
Online English Grammar
English grammar descriptions, which can be browsed alphabetically or searched. Online practice pages are accessible, and students can email English grammar problems to a 'grammar clinic', or join a discussion.
Author: Hughes, Anthony
Subjects: english language education
DeweyClass: 425
Resource type: forum, guide
Plain English Campaign
Campaign aiming to promote the use of plain English in public information, eradicate all forms of gobbledygook, and offer various editing and training services. Also features a listing of the clearest, and the most baffling, community based publications.
Author: Plain English Campaign
Subjects: english language education
DeweyClass: 420
Resource type: documents
Text Doctor: Webliography of English and Language Resources
Listings of Internet resources for writing and communication such as dictionaries, thesauri, grammar guides and research and reference sites.
Author: Text Doctor
Subjects: english language dictionaries, english language education, english language research, writing links
DeweyClass: 403
Resource type: dictionary index
Collection of English language resources, geared towards learning and teaching English as a second language. Contains directories of quizzes, tests, exams, articles on spelling, punctuation and letter writing, and reference material such as dictionaries and glossaries. Students are able to field questions to a qualified teacher, or participate in an ESL forum, should they need additional help.
Subjects: english as a second language, english language education, language learning
DeweyClass: 428
Resource type: documents
Web of On-line Grammars
Links to grammar resources, morphology information, dictionaries, and lessons in languages including Akkadian, Arabic, Artificial Languages, Brahui, Cherokee, Chinese, Coptic, Dhimal, English, Gaelic, Hindi, Indonesian, Latin, Portuguese, Russian, Sanskrit, Tagalog, Urdmurt, Vietnamese, Welsh, and Wolof.
Author: Beard, Robert
Subjects: arabic, chinese language, dutch, english language education, esperanto, finnish, french language, gaelic language, german language, greek language, hungarian, japanese, korean, language learning, latin, linguistics, norwegian, portuguese, russian language, spanish, swedish, welsh language